4 questions about the customer journey

4 questions about the customer journey

Anton Nordström
Oct 2023
Anton Nordström
Girl looking across a crooked road

4 questions about the customer journey

What is the customer journey?

The customer journey is a series of attractions between customers and the brand. It is everything from when they first become aware, to when they make a purchase decision and what happens afterwards. It's a very good tool to understand this relationship.

Why use the idea of the customer journey?

It is very good for identifying touch and pain points throughout the journey. It allows you to put the right initiatives in place at the right time, and to increase customer satisfaction and other outcomes as a result.

What are the steps in the customer journey?

Most people have the same basic assumptions of customer behavior, which means that many pieces are recognizable. For example, you have a piece about action, a piece about attitude, awareness and relationship. These are all common steps in the customer journey.

What methods are available for the customer journey?

I usually think of two different models. The first is the 5 A's, which is a classic. That model is about the A's: aware, appeal, ask, act and advocate. Which then covers the whole journey. The second model is the Mckinsey loop, which is also a very good tool.

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