New from Meta: Pay for an ad-free experience

New from Meta: Pay for an ad-free experience

Johanna Turesson
Dec 2023
Johanna Turesson
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Pay for an ad-free experience on Facebook and Instagram

Meta has recently announced an exciting update that gives users a new opportunity to protect their privacy and control their experience. Meta has introduced an option that allows users to choose between a free and a paid version of Facebook and Instagram.

The new update

With this latest update, Meta gives users the choice of continuing to use Facebook and Instagram as they always have or opting for an ad-free version of these products by paying a fee. This update has been made in order for Meta to comply with European regulations. The new version has been implemented in the EU, EEA and Switzerland. The ad-free version of Meta costs between €9.99/month and €12.99/month.

Quote from Meta:
" We believe in an ad-supported internet, which gives people access to personalised products and services regardless of their economic status. It also allows small businesses to reach potential customers, grow their business and create new markets, driving growth in the European economy. And like other companies we'll continue to advocate for an ad-supported internet, even with our new subscription offering in the EU, EEA and Switzerland. But we respect the spirit and purpose of these evolving European regulations, and are committed to complying with them. "

Why pay for an ad-free experience?

For many users, the idea of paying to avoid ads and reduce data sharing may be appealing. This option gives users more control over the information they share and the ads they are exposed to when using Meta's products. For those who value their online privacy and want to avoid ads, this could be a welcome option.

How does this affect you as a marketer?

Meta's decision to offer users the opportunity to pay for an ad-free version of its products could potentially affect marketers in several ways:

  • Reduced exposure to ads: If more users choose to pay for the ad-free version of Meta's platforms, it will reduce the number of users who see ads. This can reduce marketers' potential reach and exposure for their ads on these platforms.
  • Competition for user attention: Since users who pay for the ad-free version will not see ads, those who still use the free version will be more likely to see the ads. This may lead to increased competition for users' attention among the remaining users, which may affect the effectiveness of the ads.

Ultimately, the impact on marketers will depend on how many users choose to pay for the ad-free version and how marketers adapt to the changes. It will be important for marketers to be aware of the developments and adapt their strategies to effectively reach their target audience on Meta's platforms.

How can you adapt your strategy?

Marketers can adapt their strategy to deal with changes that Meta's offer of an ad-free version of their products may bring. Here are some strategies and adaptations that marketers can consider:

  • Explore other channels: Investigate other digital channels and advertising platforms that may be more effective in reaching your target audience. Diversify your marketing strategy to include alternative platforms and advertising channels that may be less influenced by users' choice to pay for an ad-free experience. Perhaps influencer marketing could be an option for your organization?
  • Measure and analyze results: Continue to measure and analyze the performance of your advertising campaigns. Use data insights to understand how user behavior may be affected by Meta's updates and adapt your strategies as needed.
  • Explore other advertising formats: Meta offers various advertising formats, including video ads, carousel ads, and story ads. Test different formats to see which ones work best for your audience and message.
  • Build your own website and email list: Build a strong presence outside of social media by creating your own website and building a quality email list. This gives you a direct channel to your customers and reduces your reliance on third-party platforms.
  • Use paid search and SEO: Invest in paid search and search engine optimization (SEO) to improve your visibility on search engines like Google. This can be an effective strategy for attracting organic traffic to your website.
  • Be aware of changes: Keep abreast of changes in Meta's policies and user habits. Adapt your strategy to the latest developments to ensure your marketing remains effective.

It is important to remember that the exact strategy will vary depending on the industry, target audience and company objectives. Adaptation and flexibility are key factors for success in a rapidly changing digital marketing environment.


Meta's decision to offer users the option to pay for an ad-free experience is an interesting development at a time when online privacy is in focus. It gives users more control and choice over their online experience. We look forward to learning more about the details of this update and how users will react to it.

To know the latest updates and details about Meta's products and services, we recommend following their official statements and visiting their website.

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