Dynamic content in Marketing Automation

Dynamic content in Marketing Automation

Johanna Turesson
Nov 2023
Johanna Turesson
3 different letters to three different recipients

Increase engagement and conversions with dynamic content in marketing automation

In today's digital society, personalization and relevance are key to a successful marketing strategy. It's about targeting your audience in a way that makes them feel seen and appreciated. A powerful tool to achieve this is dynamic content in marketing automation.

What is dynamic content?

Dynamic content is a marketing strategy and technique that involves customizing the content your customers and recipients see, based on their past behavior, preferences, or other variables. This can be used across different marketing channels, including emails and landing pages.

Benefits of dynamic content

Increased relevance: Delivering content that is tailored to each individual increases the likelihood that they will engage and perform desired actions.

Higher conversions: Personalized content usually leads to higher conversion rates, as it is more tailored to the interests and needs of the recipient.

Efficiency: You can reduce the number of email templates and landing pages in your system by using dynamic content. This saves time and makes you more efficient.

How does dynamic content work?

Dynamic content is possible thanks to a marketing automation system. Here is an overview of how it works:

Data collection: You collect data about your leads and customers, including their behavior, preferences and demographic information.

Segmentation: Based on the information collected, you create different segments representing different customer groups.

Content creation: You create different versions of your content, such as emails or landing pages, with different elements that can be dynamically customized.

Technical setup: When you add your custom content, you need to do a technical setup where you match your content to the right segments.

Personalization: The marketing automation system automatically adapts the content sent to each recipient based on their segment and past behavior.

Examples of dynamic content

Emails: You can customize the email subject line, content and offers based on the recipient's previous purchase history or interests.

Landing pages: When a visitor comes to your site, you can customize the landing page based on where they came from (e.g. a specific campaign) or their previous behavior on the site.

Product recommendations: If you run an e-commerce site, you can show products that are relevant to each individual visitor based on their previous browsing history.

Systems with the 'dynamic content' function

Many modern marketing automation systems offer support for dynamic content. Here are some examples of systems where you can use this powerful feature:

HubSpot: HubSpot offers advanced tools to create and implement dynamic content in emails, landing pages, and other marketing channels. In this platform, dynamic content is called "Smart rules".

Salesforce Account Engagement: This tool allows you to use dynamic content in email campaigns to increase engagement and conversions. You can find this feature under the "content" tab.

Marketo: Marketo is known for its automation features, including dynamic content, which helps you deliver the right message to the right person at the right time.


In summary, dynamic content is a powerful marketing automation tool that can help you increase engagement and conversions by delivering relevant content to your leads and customers. By using this concept, you can create a more personalized and effective marketing strategy that delivers results. Take advantage of the advanced features offered by modern marketing automation systems to implement dynamic content in your marketing.

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