Trend projections 2024

Trend projections 2024

Maddja Nazari
Jan 2024
Maddja Nazari
A fortune-telling ball to predict the future

Leadfront's trend predictions for 2024

The profitability assessment for 2023 (-7) turned out to be more negative than during both the pandemic and the global financial crisis. The economic situation is weakening, and the Swedish economy is expected to be in a recession in 2023. High inflation and rising interest rates, combined with reduced international demand, have left their mark on most companies' finances. 

The outlook for 2024 is characterized by cautious optimism combined with a degree of prudence. Recovery from the economic stresses of 2023 is expected, but the pace and scale of the recovery remains uncertain. Companies are likely to adapt their strategies to meet the challenges that continue to arise, and flexibility and profitability will be a key component to survive and thrive in the complex economic landscape.

The economic challenges and dynamics of the business world in 2023 will greatly influence the marketing landscape in the coming year. Companies will face pressure to differentiate themselves and adapt their marketing strategies to meet the shifting demands of consumers and the changing economic climate. Digitalization and technological advances are expected to be central to marketing strategies, with an increased focus on data analytics, automation and targeted advertising. Meanwhile, sustainability issues will become increasingly integrated into marketing strategies, with companies seeking to demonstrate their commitment to social responsibility and environmental awareness. 

Here are our predictions on which marketing trends will be in focus for 2024:

AI-driven personalizations: 

Artificial intelligence is becoming increasingly sophisticated and can now analyse vast amounts of data to create hyper-personalized user experiences. This can include everything from personalized emails to tailored website content based on the user's past behaviors and preferences. Such technologies can dramatically increase the relevance and effectiveness of marketing campaigns.

Improved customer data protection: 

As more people become aware of the importance of data protection, companies are expected to implement more robust security measures to protect customer data. This could include encryption, stricter data retention policies and increased transparency around how data is used. 

Companies that succeed in demonstrating that they value and protect their customers' privacy can build stronger trust and relationships with their customers.

Examples include Meta introducing a new paid version of its platforms and Google scrapping third-party cookies. These changes also show the importance that companies should now consider focusing on building and managing their own databases with customer consent. By creating an owned data and database where each individual actively chooses to receive information and marketing, companies can create a more personalized and customized experience for their customers while respecting their privacy. Implementing consent-based practices, where each customer gives their explicit approval to receive communications and offers, will be crucial. It is not only about complying with current data protection regulations but also about building a sustainable and trusting relationship with customers.

Increased use of chatbots and virtual assistants: 

These technologies are becoming increasingly advanced and can handle a wider range of requests, providing faster and more efficient customer service. They can also be used to generate leads, by engaging visitors to a website and collecting contact information in a natural and user-friendly way. 

AI-produced content:

A prominent tension in content creation is the increase in the use of chatbot-generated texts, especially through tools like ChatGPT. Companies and content creators are actively exploring the possibilities that these AI-driven models offer to create engaging and quality content. What distinguishes this trend from previous automated solutions is that it is not a simple copy-paste, but rather a collaboration where human creativity is combined with AI-generated insights.

While the use of AI in content creation is increasing, there is also a growing awareness of the need for transparency. It is increasingly important to clearly mark content written by AI to increase transparency and understanding among users. This could mean informing users that they are interacting with AI-created material and that it is part of a collaboration between human authors and intelligent algorithms.

As this evolution continues, marketers and content creators will need to balance the efficiency and speed offered by AI-powered tools with the need for honesty and transparency towards users. Understanding and implementing clear labeling guidelines and viewing the use of AI as a complement rather than a replacement for human creativity will be crucial to creating credible and ethical content in the future. This tension between automation and ethics will likely shape the landscape of content creation and the use of AI in the coming years.

Predictive analysis: 

By using machine learning and big data, companies can predict future customer behavior and market trends. This can help with everything from identifying potential new markets to adapting marketing strategies to better meet customer needs and wants.

Omnichannel strategies: 

An integrated cross-channel approach is crucial to creating a unified customer experience. This means that a customer should have a seamless and consistent experience whether they interact with a business via social media, email, phone or in a physical store.

Focus on the customer experience (CX): 

The customer experience is becoming increasingly important, and companies are placing great emphasis on creating positive and memorable interactions with their customers. This means using data to understand and improve all aspects of the customer journey, from initial contact to subsequent support and service.


These trends reflect a general movement towards more integrated, secure and customer-centric marketing and customer relationship management. The use of advanced technologies such as AI and machine learning to understand and meet customer needs is a central part of this development.

If you need help with this development, you can always contact us or make an appointment.

You can find our previous trend scans here:

Ps. this post is written in collaboration with chatGPT

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